Return Box XL

Ready to send back your packaging?

We are here to help you!

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Need help with folding?

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Folding Instructions

Follow the steps in the video below!

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After contacting the brand for return instructions, use our packaging and place your items inside. Make sure you hide the prepaid shipping label on our packaging before shipping, otherwise your order might be delivered to the wrong address.

If you’re unsure about folding, double check the instructions on the surface of our packaging or scroll to the step-by-step folding instructions above. Need further assistance? Click the WhatsApp icon to connect with us.

No, you don’t need to wait in line! All you have to do is find the postbox nearest to you and simply drop the packaging into it. Check the map above to find the postboxes around.

Absolutely not! All our packaging has a prepaid shipping label which allows us to easily drop the packaging into any postbox in Europe, totally free of charge.

Your packaging will be shipped back to us. We take care of its cleaning process and send it back to our partner brands. They will use it for delivering another order, saving CO2 emissions, water and energy consumption.